
Art and Science!

Upgrade your smile with composite or ceramic veneers which combine craftsmanship and artistry. Both techniques can treat a myriad of cosmetic concerns and enhance the shape, color, length or size of your teeth!

Ceramic veneers are custom-made shells that fit around your teeth. They have long been one of Hollywood’s best kept secrets! Veneers can be made from ultra-thin ceramic (Lumineers) or composite chosen for its translucency and stunning likeness to real enamel.

Meanwhile, composite bonded veneer is made from specially formulated tooth colored compound, to contour the tooth and eliminate little imperfections such as chips, cracks, stains, and gaps.

How long do veneers last?

If you maintain excellent oral hygiene and have regular dental check-ups, then you will probably keep your veneers for a lifetime.




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